Hypnotherapy can help you to make essential changes to how you respond to anxiety and stress. Taking time to understand where your feelings stem from, re-writing your script to give your subconscious a new message to change your future response is something we do together.
Everyone feels anxious or stressed, it is perfectly natural, it only becomes a problem when it starts to affect you and those around you in ways you don't want, cant change or control. Don't allow the past to determine your present, with support you can make those changes you want for your future.
Being honest with yourself about your reasons for choosing the lifestyle you have is the first step. Imagine seeing yourself fitter, slimmer and more energetic will help you to create the changes that you need to make to achieve your goal.
Finding your motivation, determination and hypnotherapy script to support the change will give you every chance to transform your life.
You must want it and believe it to become the version of you that you know you can.
Having a good relationship with yourself is one of the most important things you can do. How you view yourself will depend on the life you have lived so far and how that has impacted you. You can go to the gym, eat & sleep well but if you don't believe in yourself and know your worth, it can be difficult to live the life you really want.
Self-confidence is key to so much, taking time to work out what holds you back and stops you from feeling the way you would like to, can really make a big difference.
For people who have debilitating fears and phobia's achieving simple things can be a real challenge. Things we may take for granted, like being able to go into the shed to get the lawnmower or going somewhere we've never been before can be impossible for someone with a real fear of spiders or new places.
People with a fear of flying will limit their choices and if you have unusual fears of phobia's this can lead to unnecessary feelings of shame and isolation.
Facing our fears can be daunting, but if you have achieved something you didn't imagine you would or have made any kind of change, trust that with belief, hypnotherapy can support you further.
Believing and wanting change is essential, the number of sessions you will have will be based on the change you want to make. Some people achieve change in a couple of sessions, one to talk through and plan, another to receive the hypnotherapy. Others, it takes longer.
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